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Marriage Celebrants Code of Practice

Marriage Celebrant Code of Practice

Code of Practice for marriage celebrants

(regulation 37L)

1 Application of this Code of Practice

This Code of Practice applies to marriage celebrants (being persons registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961).


Under paragraph 39I(1)(b) of the Marriage Act 1961, if the Registrar of Marriage Celebrants is satisfied that a marriage celebrant has not complied with an obligation under section 39G of that Act, including this Code of Practice, the Registrar may take disciplinary measures against the marriage celebrant.

2 High standard of service

A marriage celebrant must maintain a high standard of service in his or her professional conduct and practice.

3 Recognition of significance of marriage

A marriage celebrant must recognise the social, cultural and legal significance of marriage and the marriage ceremony in the Australian community, and the importance of strong and respectful family relationships.

4 Compliance with the Marriage Act and other laws

A marriage celebrant must:

(a) solemnize marriages according to the legal requirements of the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth); and

(b) observe the laws of the Commonwealth and of the State or Territory where the marriage is to be solemnized; and

(c) prevent and avoid unlawful discrimination in the provision of marriage celebrancy services.

5 General requirements for marriage ceremonies

A marriage celebrant must respect the importance of the marriage ceremony to the parties and the other persons organising the ceremony. To that end, the marriage celebrant must do the following:

(a) give the parties information and guidance to enable them to choose or compose a marriage ceremony that will meet their needs and expectations;

(b) respect the privacy and confidentiality of the parties;

(c) maintain appropriate facilities to interview parties and provide office facilities, including facilities for the secure storage of records;

(d) within a reasonable time before the marriage ceremony:

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